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Provocative Commentaries on the Quality of Current Management Perspectives & Practices


the new generation of corporate universities

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This article captures the researches, experience and current thoughts of two leading professional Corporate University and Corporate Academy solutions designers and developers, Ian Campbell and Richard Dealtry. It provides a provocative commentary on the quality of current management perspectives and practice in the area of corporate university management.

The article comments upon some of the popular misconceptions of what the corporate university is all about and how these fault-lines in corporate university management styles present barriers to further development along the learning curve and the full realization of the concept’s potential.

From a critique perspective it then moves forward with comments on a pro-active modality for configuring intellectual properties and implementing intervention programmes. This process involves the development of dynamic scenarios around ‘thinking schools’ properties and their manifestation through management processes defined as the BLU Way.

It emphasises the vital strategic management role being undertaken by the new generation of corporate university managers and the nature of the skills and competencies necessary in renewing and sustaining intelligence based enterprise cultures in organizations.

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