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Reflective Assessment on the Benefits of Applying a Constructivist Methodology


configuring the structure and administration of learning management

by Richard Dealtry

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Experience shows that there are problems arising from the implementation of learning management systems (LMS). Indications are that they are too e-learning technology driven, emphasising the virtual component and neglecting the precursory development of a vibrant and committed formal learning organization culture and infrastructure.

This article is a reflective assessment on the benefits of applying a constructivist methodology when designing and implementing strategic new learning and knowledge-based organization development investments.

It introduces a corporate strategic learning management solution (SLMS) approach which is synthesised out of a successful macro-educational intervention in the UK; that of the Foundation Degree Forward (fdf) initiative.

This process involves using a holistic stakeholder approach that connects with all the management, resourcing and underlying organizational activities that are essential for the creation of a well managed, cohesive and sustainable strategic learning intervention

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